Upgrade Sept 2021

Thanks for your patience and grace in this short notice upgrade. We're trying to address any issues as timely as possible. If you notice something, please tell us about it:

If there is an issue that requires immediate attention, please submit a help desk ticket. uncsj.com/it/help

Check to see what others have noticed and add issues you’ve observed to the new list (include a link where we can see it happening, if possible/relevant).

Pages have been served from the new and upgraded CMS servers since around 2pm on 9/27 and editing for roars4.uncsj.com and www.tri-college.org pages has been available since around 2am on 9/28. At around 7am it was reported that editing wasn't reachable from off of NDSU's network but that is resolved as of about 7:40am.

www.ndepscor.ndus.edu and slsc.ndus.edu DNS change went through shortly before 2pm on 9/28 and pages should be editable by the time you read this.

Known issues

Adding image to hero banner content element. Existing records appear to work fine, but you won't be able to add a new image. Will investigate after hours.

Text&Images layout. There were unusual problems reported on some pages using the NDSU 2018 template post-upgrade that we decided to resolve with removing the default TYPO3 image alignments that we switched to just last week (sadness). It took a while to re-implement the image alignments so you may have noticed some weirdness in the interim but by the time you read this, you should be able to reload the page (not just navigate to a page, but actually reload it) and it should look right.

Images in RTE. In March 2021 we warned in user group discussions that images aren't natively supported in the RTE but that we're doing what we can to keep it limping along. One part that we can't make work anymore is images wrapped in a link. If you want images wrapped in a link you'll need to use a Text & Images or Images content element, NOT an image in the RTE.

Page "not publishing." If it has been a while since you made edits to a page, you may need to manually clear that page's cache when you publish it in order to "see" your changes on the live page. As far as we've noticed, it's always behaved this way, but upgrades--and the subsequent author lockouts--have a way of shmushing a lot of edit then publish later actions into one week.

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